[F12] Individuals - Pension plans

Pension schemes

Decide today if you'll enjoy tomorrow

Pension schemes are an investment alternative with Income Tax reliefs. The future is up to you and VidaCaixa provides you with solutions for your retirement, for you to choose the one that best fits your age, needs and investor profile. Save up with the assurance that you’ll be able to improve your standard of living when you retire and find the pension funds that best suit you. 


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We help you choose your pension scheme.

[F18] Benefits - Pension plans


Benefits of our pension schemes

Flexible deposits

You can decide on the frequency of your deposits to suit your circumstances, whether monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Tax benefits

Make the most of our products and services: pension schemes are the only financial product with income tax reliefs.

Mix schemes to your liking

Our schemes are not exclusive, you can combine them as you like if you deposit up to €1,500 per year.

Transfer your money from another entity

You can transfer money from another entity into any of our schemes, into the one that best fits your investor profile.

Titulo Preguntas Frecuentes Planes de Pensiones Particulares


Frequently Asked Questions about pension schemes and funds

Don’t know where to start saving or get a return on your money? We tell you all you need to know about our pension schemes to improve your future standard of living. Check our FAQs for more information.

Asset Publisher

  • What’s a pension scheme and what’s it for?

    • It’s a two in one plan: savings and investment. Pension schemes are a financial product that allows you to plan your savings conveniently but also get a return. They have been designed to provide you with a nice nest egg for your future retirement. Knowing how a pension scheme works is important as the investments made are tied to the stock market fluctuations and, therefore, there’s a downside risk.

  • Which pension scheme provides the highest return?

    • Check the risk levels of each scheme. Remember that equity-based and mixed investments will have a higher return but also a higher risk, unlike fixed-income schemes, which have a very low risk. We guide you on how to choose the best pension scheme for you.

  • What’s best, a pension scheme or a retirement scheme?

    • It’s important to know that these two schemes are different. The pension scheme and the retirement insurance may have the same ultimate purpose, but the paths they follow are different. You need to know all the details before choosing one product or the other.

  • When can I set up a pension scheme?

    • As soon as you earn your first wages! If you’ve already joined the job market, it’s time to start thinking about your future. Remember the principles of saving up: the sooner you start, the better, because then you’ll have a nice little nest egg by the time you retire. But if you’re quite close to retiring and you haven’t yet started, don’t worry, you’re still in time to find the scheme that best suits you. Check the risk level and liquidity warnings of all the pension schemes here.

  • How do I know which scheme to choose?

    • You can choose the scheme that best suits you based on your profile and age, but especially, depending on your future goals. With VidaCaixa you can make a smart investment strategy and you won’t have to worry about managing your pension scheme because we make it really easy for you. Don’t know which is the best scheme for you? Try our pension scheme simulator, enter your age, your savings and check the scheme that best fits you. Having a better standard of living during your retirement is up to you.

  • How do I set up a pension scheme?

    • It’s so easy! It takes no more than five minutes to do it all online from our website. It’s so easy: go to the catalogue, choose the scheme and specify the type of deposits and amount. Link your current account and confirm the contract. Right away, you’ll be able to see your pension scheme. It’s easy and safe.

  • Why do I need a pension scheme?

    • If you want to improve your future standard of living and have a nice nest egg to live comfortably during your retirement, this is what you need. With a pension scheme you can draw up a strategy to build savings for the future but without having an impact on your day-to-day life.

  • Can I set up more than one pension scheme?

    • You can set up as many pension schemes as you like, combining them to your liking and adapting them to your needs. To do so, check our catalogue and the investment policies, choose the schemes you’re interested in and voilà! Simply remember that the maximum aggregate amount of deposits is €1,500 per year, so you can’t exceed that amount. This limit may rise to €8,500 as long as it comes from the company’s or the worker’s deposits into the same retirement savings instrument for an amount that is equal or below the company’s deposit.

  • Can I make deposits into another person’s pension scheme?

    • Yes, you can make deposits into the pension scheme belonging to another person with functional diversity or your spouse. The deposits for a person with functional diversity may be made if the holder has a physical diversity that is equal or above 65% or a mental diversity of 33% or above, or has been legally declared disabled regardless of the level of disability. These deposits, including the ones made by the holder, cannot exceed €24,250 per year. However, deposits for your spouse cannot exceed €1,000 per year and provided your spouse’s net earned income is below €8,000 per year.

      Advantages of regular deposits

      Regular deposits are the best way to start amassing funds for the future. The sooner you begin to invest and plan, the less effort it will take to have a nice little nest egg and make the most of the tax reliefs that come with the scheme. You’ll get a higher return on the investment.

  • What if I already set up my pension scheme in another entity?

    • You can transfer your scheme at any time, whether you’re a participant or you’ve already started to reap the benefits. And you can do so as many times as you like, at no extra cost. Check the terms established for the scheme you chose and the current promotions.

  • What happens if I exceed the deposit limit?

    • If your deposits exceed the annual €1,500 cap, you will have to withdraw the excess before the next 30 June.

  • Which schemes have yielded a return in the past 12 months?

    • Our pension scheme catalogue shows their return for the last 12 months and the yearly average for 3, 5, 10 and 15 years. This information appears with the last price of the investments of the investment fund they are linked to. However, past performance does not guarantee future performance. To make it easier for you to check the performance of our pension schemes, we’ve included an indicator that shows the schemes with the best performance for the past 12 months.

  • How can I know where a pension scheme invests?

    • You can check the information in the catalogue. You can see the details of their investment policy, their investment allocation and read the fund manager’s monthly observations.

  • What deposits can I make into the pension scheme?

    • The maximum aggregate deposit per year is 30% of your annual earned income or €1,500 per year. This limit may rise to €8,500 per year as long as it comes from the company’s or the worker’s deposits into the same retirement savings instrument for an amount that is equal or below the company’s respective deposit.

  • When can I take my pension scheme?

    • As soon as you retire! You can take your pension scheme once you retire, but it can also be claimed in other cases, including disability or incapacity, becoming dependent or death. Also, you can claim the funds saved if you become unemployed or have a serious illness.

  • How can I take my pension scheme?

    • There are several ways of claiming what you've invested in your pension scheme but before you choose one, it’s best to ask for advice from our managers on which is the best way to get tax benefits. The capital sum can be received as a lump sum or as a regular income, setting the fixed amount and frequency until the end. With guaranteed income to ensure that you’ll get paid whatever happens, as lump sums or mixed payments, where you receive part of the capital sum as a lump sum and the other part as regular income. The combination can be changed depending on the scheme rules.

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VidaCaixa is the leading company in the Spanish insurance industry and has lots to offer you with solutions that suit your age and investor profile. A reliable and safe way of preparing for the future with significant tax reliefs. Here you’ll find the products and services that best suit you along with our pension funds for a better future. Find out about them and combine our products depending on your needs.

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