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Workplace Pension Schemes

The protection you need

VidaCaixa wants to help you meet your commitment to protecting your business and employees. That’s why we offer workplace pension schemes, for your workforce as an extra employment benefit that provides tax reliefs and a guaranteed return as well as great flexibility. With the workplace pension schemes, you can tailor solutions to your employees. 

[Productos]Planes de pensiones de empleo


Find out about our pension schemes for businesses.

Workplace pension schemes might be perfect solutions for companies, individual employers or independent professionals with workers. They offer you the chance to improve the workforce’s job conditions and may benefit both parties. These are retirement savings instruments that are strictly regulated by the Spanish regulations and are subject to controls and reporting duties to make sure participants and beneficiaries are familiar with their rights, the return and any changes that affect the scheme. From among our pension schemes, choose the one that best suits your company and workers.

The reliability and convenience of a pension scheme for associations

  • Expand the range of services offered to your members.

  • Add a pension scheme to your association: it’s free and joining is voluntary.

  • Offer members the chance to pay deposits into a pension scheme with better terms than the average products on the market.

  • The association can join schemes immediately, avoiding tedious paperwork.

  • The deposits made by the members provide a discount on the Income Tax Return. This tax relief is subject to a legal cap on the deposits, which is the lowest amount between: an aggregate €8,000 per year or 30% of the sum of net income earned individually through work or economic activities over the year.

  • Easy and convenient for members as they can set it up from any branch and check the scheme or make deposits online.

[Beneficios]Planes de pensiones de empleo



There are several options that adjust to companies. You can choose the workplace pension scheme that best suits your workers.

Tax benefits

Tax benefits are for both parties: company and employees.


These schemes allow you to make voluntary deposits to optimise the financial return and tax benefits and may be easily made online or through the app.


Information made available to customers on every channel, 24 hours a day, all year round.


Personalised guidance and with the allocation of an account manager.

[Texto SEO]Planes de pensiones de empleo FAQ


Frequently asked questions about pension schemes for businesses

Still have doubts about the workplace pension schemes? Don't worry, check our FAQs to know everything you need to know about our products and any matters related to workplace pension schemes that may affect your company and employees. Clear all your doubts, read on.

Asset Publisher

  • What’s a workplace pension scheme?

    • Workplace pension schemes are savings and retirement savings schemes promoted by companies to secure the loyalty of their employees, offer them protection and supplement the state-paid pension they’ll receive when they retire. Generally, a workplace pension scheme is a long-term plan.

  • Who can take part in a workplace pension scheme?

    • The participants of a workplace pension scheme are natural persons for whom the scheme is set up and for whom the deposits are paid. Deposits are usually voluntary but may be mandatory in some workplace schemes.

  • How much can one deposit into a workplace pension scheme?

    • The maximum amount for workplace schemes is €8,500, but for individual schemes, the cap is still €1,500. The government’s aim is that the combination of deposits into both schemes will add up to €10,000 per year.

[Texto SEO]Planes de pensiones de empleo Blog



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  • Asegura tu jubilación
  • Assegura la teva jubilació
  • Así somos
  • Disfruta tu retiro
  • La ruta de tu vida
  • Protégete a ti y a los tuyos
  • Reduce tus impuestos
  • Rentabiliza tus ahorros
  • Ser joven y ahorrar es posible

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