Unit Linked
The savings insurance policy that fits senior and middle management.
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[F8]Unit Linked
The savings insurance policy that fits senior and middle management.
[F8]Seguros Unit Linked
VidaCaixa offers this retirement savings tool to engage your senior and middle management. It was created as an efficient loyalty system for employees but is also a complement to pension schemes. You can set up the Unit Linked scheme depending on your organisation’s needs and choose the different investment options that best suit your circumstances.
[Ventajas y Coberturas]Unit linked
The company can change the investment linked to the policy depending on the alternatives available.
There’s a broad range of portfolios, from only equity based to the monetary market ones.
Unit Linked offers you the option of allocating different amounts depending on each employee, without limit.
Decide when and how to transfer the ownership of the funds deposited.
The main coverage is savings for retirement or for a certain date.
You can contract extra covers for death and/or permanent disability.
[Texto SEO]FAQ Unit Linked
Asset Publisher
It’s an investment! The unit linked policy is a savings or investment insurance where the funds are linked to fixed income and equity. This means you run the risk of an investment downside. It’s name means it’s a product linked to the business unit. Unit linked policies are a life insurance where part of the investment will act as insurance premium and go toward coverage for death, but most of the funds will be used for investment.
It’s similar to other insurances: if you decide to withdraw the return yielded on the investment, you will have to pay Income Tax for it as capital gains. This percentage is usually 19% to 23%. If the holder dies, the beneficiary will have to pay inheritance tax for it.
You can set this up according to the organisation. In other words, the money of a unit linked policy can be claimed under the terms agreed, but it’s usually a year or two after taking out the insurance, although you can also take the money as a life annuity at any time, as it’s a liquid product. This provides additional tax reliefs.
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